
The big and the small

Sometimes we are waiting, waiting for something BIG in our lives, that we forget to appreciate the small. The little things that bring a sense of joy that really, far outweigh what they are. We think the 'big' things can change your life - of course they can. For me the big thing that brings me continued happiness was meeting my Ed. I can't imagine the conundrums I would still be in now if I hadn't.....
However, many big things just push you off into a different road - the road not taken Mr Frost?. They don't guarantee a life of happiness, but they can send you off somewhere unexpected.

So whilst I'm waiting for a couple of big things that may/may not change my life for the better/worse/somewhere unexpected, I went outside into the garden.

I have an apple tree in my garden for the first time since I was a child. It's dropping a few wayward apples, or maybe it's the birds releasing them for lunch. The smell reminds me of my sister hanging upside down of one of the many fruit trees in our childhood home. I was always amazed how she could hang upside down so much! I - terrified, stay on the ground under them. We also have our first cherries ripening and our first ever flower seedlings growing - I'm sure I'm not meant to poke around in them to check the seeds but hey ho it makes me ridiculously happy when I see a shoot. So whilst drinking a mug of very fine tea in the very fine sun, happiness came from a fallen apple, a cherry tree and poked about seedlings.

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