I'm blown away by how quickly our classes sell out. I'm even more overwhelmed by the people that come, what they are making and why. We've had wedding presents, a gift to welcome a baby into the world, quilts to remember a member of the family who has passed away and many more moving tributes - some are so moving it's almost too big a responsibility - but I do my very best.
So the Papered Parlour has an extra class on June 12th and then they take a little rest until the Autumn.
Ed then kindly informed me that it would be silly to wait until then as we have emails constantly from people wanting to come on a class. He also pointed out that we 'now' have a lovely home and studio and what better place to welcome people. It's where I produce my commissions, create my designs and work on other projects.
So how about that - two classes - July 3rd and August 7th, at our home and studio, small numbers, with a lovely artisan lunch and cake and tea and a glass of wine at the end of the day.
You can either go to the website here for the info, or email me directly and I can send you all the details.
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